Established in 1982, Riverview Bible Baptist Christian School is a ministry of Riverview Bible Baptist Church. RBBCS is led by pastor and school administrator, Jim Brooks. Our goal is to train Christian youth so that they in turn will be "thoroughly furnished unto every good work." (II Timothy 3:17b) We are committed to evangelism, education, and edification.

Tuition of Riverview Christian school (based on a nine month period)

First student in family               $295.00 per month               $2,655.00 per year

Second student in family          $285.00 per month                $2,565 per year

Third student in family            $275.00 per month                $2,475.00 per year

Fourth or more                         $265.00 per month                $2,385.00 per year

Other fees can be found in our student handbook.

School Hours

8:30 am-3:30 pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

8:30 am-1:30 pm Wednesday

More Information

Riverview has 4 quarters in an academic calendar year teaching Pre K-12th. Each quarter contains 9 weeks. Riverview does not have a traditional classroom setting. Each student has their own personal office where they work on PACEs with a staff of teachers always ready to help. This allows students to work ahead at their own rate. The PACEs students complete are from the ACE Curriculum.


Riverview has basketball for both boys and girls. It is our desire that our athletic program will lead the student to a closer walk with the Lord. The principle that we are to do all things to the glory of God does include sports. The attitude of the fans, the attitude of the players, the attitude of the coach and how the team plays is a direct reflection of each person's relationship with the Lord. Respect for authority will be emphasized. Our testimony as players, coaches, and fans is vitally important.